Where Did All the Jobs Go? Nowhere

The issue of outsourcing has figured quite prominently in US electoral politics this year. Despite the headlines and political rhetoric, points out political scientist Daniel Drezner, outsourcing is really a minor issue, accounting for less than one percent of mass layoffs last year. Technological innovation has a far larger impact on the American job market, though few pundits argue that technological innovation be suppressed. “The American economy has some formidable challenges in the coming decades – rising health care costs, a ballooning federal budget deficit, failing schools and the need for greater investment in new technology and innovation,” Drezner concludes. “The voters should concentrate on the candidates' plans to overcome those obstacles, not on needless hoopla over outsourcing.” – YaleGlobal

Where Did All the Jobs Go? Nowhere

Daniel W. Drezner
Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Click here for the original article on The New York Times website.

Daniel W. Drezner is an assistant professor of political science at the University of Chicago.

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