Why a Climate Change Deal Is the Best Hope for Peace
A deal on climate change is a global priority after the terrorist attacks in Paris, argue climatologist Jason Box and author Naomi Klein. Their essay for the New Yorker points out that severe drought instigated a mass migration within Syria from rural areas to cities, contributing to discontent. Conflict in the Middle East should inspire “an urgent push to lower emissions as rapidly and deeply as possible, including strong support for developing countries to leapfrog to renewable energy, creating much-needed jobs and economic opportunities in the process,” the essay notes. “That kind of bold climate transition is our only hope of preventing a future in which, as a recent paper in the journal 'Nature Climate Change' put it, large areas of the Middle East will, by the end of the century, ‘experience temperature levels that are intolerable to humans.’” Prioritizing sustainability and tackling climate change, could increase job growth while reducing mass migrations, conflict and uncertainty. – YaleGlobal Online
Why a Climate Change Deal Is the Best Hope for Peace
Severe drought contributed to discontent in Syria; climate change promises volatile weather and security crises
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Jason Box is an ice-sheet climatologist and geographer. Naomi Klein is the author of “This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate” and “The Shock Doctrine.” She is a member of the board of directors for 350.org, part of a coalition of groups that organized the large climate marches planned for November 29th and December 12th in Paris.
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