Why Unity Is Essential
The bedrock of the alliance with NATO that supported the US for the past half century may be in jeopardy. Zbigniew Brzezinski, the former National Security adviser of President Jimmy Carter, says that the sharp differences with NATO and accompanying vitriol have led to grave doubt about American intentions toward the Atlantic alliance. Some Europeans, he says, are beginning to believe that the United States is actually planning a grand strategic realignment – replacing NATO with a coalition of non-European states, such as Russia, India and Israel, each with special hostility toward various parts of the Muslim world. He says that while one should not let Iraq off the hook, the application force, if necessary, should be "part of a larger strategy, sensitive to the risk that the termination of Saddam Hussein's regime may be purchased at too high a cost to America's global leadership." - YaleGlobal
Why Unity Is Essential
Wednesday, February 19, 2003
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