Why is Zimbabwe Overlooked By SA’s Sunshine Advocates?
With an Islamic appeals court's acquittal of Amina Lawal, the Nigerian woman who was sentenced to death for having sex out of wedlock, feminist activists from around the world are celebrating a victory against conservative Shari 'a law. However, as the editorial in this Johannesburg daily points out , violations of women's rights are common in many parts of Africa – Muslim, Christian, and otherwise – and women's rights activists should not sit back on their heels after this media-hyped victory. Female circumcision, harassment of prostitutes, rape, and forced marriage remain prominent issues. With the media focused on the Amina Lawal case, African activists have a rare chance to harness attention on other women's rights violations. – YaleGlobal
Why is Zimbabwe Overlooked By SA's Sunshine Advocates?
Friday, September 26, 2003
Click here for the article on Business Day's website.
Goko is Deputy Editor
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