World Needs New Paradigm on Drugs After Failing War
A war on drugs has failed, concludes the UN Report of the Global Commission on Drug Policy. While heroin and cocaine use is on the decline in aging Europe and the US, it’s on the rise elsewhere. In particular, Europe and the US go easy on domestic users, emphasizing supply that ignores the problem’s roots, explains Santiago Sosa for Colombia Reports. Communities that depend on illegal crops largely share a lack of security, infrastructure and opportunities. Noting that “drug use is a symptom of bigger social problems,” the report suggests drug consumers need help more than punishment. Continued demand guarantees supply, and harsh crackdowns increase risks and profits. To wage a war on drugs, nations must confront their own social woes, including poverty and limited education. “The drugs issue needs to be intensely debated without demonizing efforts,” Sosa’s article concludes. “Only then may other, more fortunate strategies emerge.” – YaleGlobal
World Needs New Paradigm on Drugs After Failing War
The failure of the war on drugs warrants a new approach, UN report concludes
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
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