Worries about the WSF

The World Social Forum (WSF), intended to promote a “democratic debate of ideas,” emerged as an alternative to the more exclusive World Economic Forum, and in March Karachi hosted 30,000 lively WSF delegates. The young activists from around the world who attend WSF expect that global leaders will resist relying on short-term economic parameters alone in making decisions that can have consequences far into future generations. “We live in a society, not an economy,” was a common mantra of the forum. However, extremists can quickly hijack worthy goals of the WSF for their own limited purposes, warns environmental scholar Saleem H. Ali. Activists may appreciate aspects of socialized health care, but should not overlook bleak outcomes of socialism and distorted attempts by countries such as Cuba to ensure egalitarianism. Activists should carefully ponder to favor or resist – and expect governments to mix and match when choosing among the best. – YaleGlobal

Worries about the WSF

Saleem H. Ali
Friday, April 28, 2006

Click here for the original article on the Daily Times website.

Dr Saleem H. Ali teaches environmental planning at the University of Vermont. He can be reached at saleem@alum.mit.edu.

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