You’ve Never Had it So Good

Although there have been some costs, Britain has gained overall from the globalization of the last decade. Perhaps because of its colonial past, “The Economist” argues, Great Britain has embraced the economic shift in the developed world from manufacturing to services brought on by globalization. The country has seen a decade of solid economic growth and per-capita GDP levels surpassing those of France and Germany. Yet Britons are not nearly as comfortable with the social changes that globalization has wrought. An increase in immigration has diversified the ethnic makeup of the British Isles. Invoking Noble Prize-winning economist Amartya Sen’s concept of “plural monoculturalism,” the author argues for increased integration through an emphasis on individuals rather than communities. To meet the social and economic challenges of globalization, Britain needs to revitalize its education system, teaching the next generation how to go along and get along. – YaleGlobal

You’ve Never Had it So Good

Globalization has done wonders for Britain, though not for all Britons
Monday, February 12, 2007

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