Brazil: Dances with Dragon

China's soft-power drive combined with economic interest opens new doors in Brazil
Alexandre de Freitas Barbosa
December 1, 2009

Seeking Soft-Power, But Not By the Book

China’s controversial participation at Frankfurt Book Fair shows the limits
Jonathan Fenby
October 26, 2009

What Motivates the Suicide Bombers?

Study of a comprehensive database gives a surprising answer
Riaz Hassan
September 3, 2009

Coping With Digital Revolution: China Offers Green Dam, Iran Faces Neda

Despite many counter-measures and filters, digital democracy continues to trouble authoritarian regimes
Guobin Yang
June 23, 2009

Population: Some Boom, Some Decline

Wildly varying fertility rates among nations threaten global stability
Joseph Chamie
March 18, 2009

China Rises Again – Part I

Unlike the past three occasions, China faces new global challenges to its preeminence
Wang Gungwu
March 25, 2009

Exploring Spices, We Bring the World to Our Tables

Internet, health reports put a range of spices in demand
Susan Kelleher
April 15, 2014

Somalia in High Speed Internet “Culture Shock”

The service is limited to the capital
Moalimu Mohammed
April 14, 2014

Saudi Arabia: Atheists Are Terrorists

The nation cracks down on political dissent
Adam Withnall
April 4, 2014

MH370 Amuses as Syria Suffers

Television news tries to entertain
Tony Burman
April 1, 2014

Laos in Danger of Losing Jobs, Culture as Chinese Pour In

Unusual report from Chinese newspaper reflects on rapid loss of culture and control
Ken Quimbach
February 19, 2014