Teenage Generation Is Biggest Ever

UN report calls on countries to mobilize their young people's potential
Shaoni Bhattacharya
October 8, 2003

Is the Arab Reform Chorus Serious or Fraudulent?

Governments in the Middle East have perfected the art of appealing to donors.
Rami G. Khouri
October 1, 2003

Europe, Asia Stimulate Hyundai Expansion

Korea's leading carmaker builds global business network in two promising regions.
Kim Mi-hui
October 30, 2003

Our War With France

By advocating a hasty transfer of power in Iraq, France is not simply undermining the US, but also its own interests.
Thomas L. Friedman
September 18, 2003

Can Rich Countries Stem the Outflow of Jobs?

The knowledge gap between rich and poor countries is narrowing, and jobs are moving accordingly
Eddie Lee
September 23, 2003