China's Growth Creates a Boom for Cargo Ships

But are global industries becoming too dependent on China's erratic, if booming, economy?
Keith Bradsher
August 28, 2003

Ending the Middle East's Cycle of Terror Requires Some Serious Soul-Searching

Beirut newspaper’s editorial calls on the Middle East players to pool resources to end the cycle of violence.
August 21, 2003

Ecologists Fear Disaster as Oil Rush Takes Grip in Quake Zone

Russian island to be turned into Japan's energy hub in project worth billions to Shell.
Nick Paton Walsh
August 25, 2003

In India, Death to Global Business

The extremism and politics of resentment emerge and spread quickly in lands with widening inequality
Manjeet Kripalani
May 10, 2008

Timetabling Elections

Iraq is not yet ready for self-rule, but the UN should establish a timetable for the withdrawal of occupying forces
Jihan El-Alaily
August 12, 2003