Leveraging the Dragon: Toward "An Africa That Can Say No"

The rapidly growing engagement between China and Africa requires a greater balance of the economic and strategic interests of both sides
Chris Alden
March 1, 2005

World's Drinking Glass: More Than Half Full

New water systems, implemented largely by NGOs, are transforming the lives of the poor – and thirsty
G. Jeffery Macdonald
February 8, 2005

Japan's Nuclear Nightmare

Accidents, activists, and energy needs form a shaky balance in Japan's nuclear power industry
Eric Johnston
January 19, 2005

Poverty Breeds Insecurity

A UN panel on Millennium Development Goal offers detailed recommendation for way to a better future
January 19, 2005

Where Trade Trumps Politics

In lifting a 15-year-old arms embargo on China, the European Union may exacerbate already tense US relations
Quentin Peel
February 3, 2005