The Global Footprint of an Indian Outsourcing Giant

Indian consulting firm is gunning for its share of the world outsourcing marketplace
Joe Bolger
March 21, 2005

Poverty – Not Ideology – Must be World Bank's Focus

If Wolfowitz checks ideology at the door before heading the World Bank, he may prove to be a sheep in wolf's clothing
David Dickson
March 24, 2005

The Limits of Transparency

"Transparency" a fashionable buzzword, not a panacea for global economic ills
Jacqueline Best
March 18, 2005

Leveraging the Dragon: Toward "An Africa That Can Say No"

The rapidly growing engagement between China and Africa requires a greater balance of the economic and strategic interests of both sides
Chris Alden
March 1, 2005

Next for the West Are Cars "Made in China"

The global automotive industry may shift eastward, as Chinese manufacturers looks to begin exporting to the US
Geoff Dyer
June 1, 2005