Sushi Comes Home, With Cream Cheese and Chili

Americanized sushi pleases palates in Japan, but some cringe at the distortion of a Japanese tradition
Howard W. French
April 4, 2002

In Europe, Going Global Means, Alas, English

But local languages retain a special place in the workplace and the hearts of Europeans.
John Tagliabue
May 19, 2002

American Missionaries Pitch Baseball in India’s Cricket Citadel

American baseball envoys dream of great games (and profits?) in India
Phil Reeves
June 28, 2003

Wal-Mart Invades, and Mexico Gladly Surrenders

How far will the 'Wal-Mart effect' stretch?
Tim Weiner
December 6, 2003

Spread of AIDS in Rural China Ignites Protests

Official recognition remains minimal as international pressure mounts and desperate victims speak out.
Elisabeth Rosenthal
December 11, 2001