End of the Melting Pot?

The speed of assimilation on the part of immigrants often hinges on the welcome provided by host communities
Ashley Pettus
May 14, 2007

Industrialised World Must Adapt to Rising China and India

The international division of labor is changing once again, and China and India are emerging as major players.
Eisuke Sakakibara
February 6, 2003

Saudi Balancing Act

Saudi rulers, intent on containing sectarian violence in Iraq, walk a tightrope between disgruntled citizens and a weakened US
Karen Elliot House
April 11, 2007

Confident Turkey Looks East, Not West

Snubbed by the EU, Turkey is fast losing enthusiasm for linking up with Europe
Simon Tisdall
March 29, 2007

The Trouble with Japanese Nationalism

Japan’s interpretation of history antagonizes China, South Korea and even the US
Francis Fukuyama
March 30, 2007