Vegetable Prices Set to Soar After Exodus of Illegals

A mass exodus of illegal farm workers in Malaysia puts farmers’ futures and vegetable prices at stake. Will the manpower be replaced before it’s too late?
August 8, 2002

Should We Globalize Labor Too?

If the poor want to work and jobs are available, what’s so special about national borders anyway?
Jason DeParle
June 13, 2007

Malaysian Employers Want Clampdown on Indonesian Workers Eased

Governments may decide who enters, but when businesses need foreign workers with specific cultural backgrounds, economic growth and political regulation may clash.
February 17, 2002

Controversial Findings Rekindle Education Debate

"New PISA data show classes with large share of non-Germans perform below average."
Carola Schlaghec
March 7, 2003

Romania, a Poor Land, Imports Poorer Workers

Romania’s skilled workers take off for jobs in Europe’s wealthiest nations, leaving a vacuum at home
Matthew Brunwasser
April 16, 2007