Immigration Reform and National Security

Movement towards consistent and stable immigration reform policies for Mexican workers in U.S. impeded by border security concerns
Tamar Jacoby
September 16, 2002

Malaysian State to Whip 400 Illegal Immigrants

Malaysia uses corporal punishment against illegals who fail to leave.
November 15, 2002

Amnesty Urges Malaysia to Stop Whipping Illegals

Human rights organization asks Malaysia to stop using the cane to punish illegal immigrants.
August 12, 2002

Fresh Setback for Schröder on Migrant Law

Plans to facilitate easier immigration to Germany run afoul of political opposition.
Haig Simonian
December 18, 2002

An Immigration Raid Aids Blacks – For a Time

After federal raids over immigrant labor, company raises wages to hire locally
Evan Perez
January 18, 2007