“I’ll Make It to Europe, Or Die Trying”

African refugees endure unimaginable risks to make it to Europe
Matthias Gebauer
May 25, 2006

US Plan to Lure Nurses May Hurt Poor Nations

US plan to lift immigration restrictions for nurses could backfire and spread global disease
Celia W. Dugger
May 30, 2006

The Silent Globalization of Remittances

In an unequal world, a remittance economy contributes to world stability and safety
Richard Reeves
April 26, 2006

The West Is Teeming with Africans Doing Odd Jobs Because Our Leaders Can’t Provide Vision or Hope

Ongoing emigration, legal and illegal, gradually weakens African countries
Tajudeen Abdul-Raheem
May 31, 2006

Does a Growing Worker Shortage Threaten China's Low-Cost Advantage?

Yet urban centers have little use for unskilled workers from villages
May 15, 2006