North Korean Threat Exaggerated

Scientist Ivan Oelrich claims that it would be premature to assume that North Korean missiles are capable of reaching the United States.
Ivan Oelrich
February 14, 2003

Border Inspectors to Look for Radioactive Materials

On the lookout for “dirty bombs,” customs officials will screen every traveler entering the U.S. for radioactive materials.
Philip Shenon
March 1, 2003

The Godfather’s War

Former Saudi Arabian Oil Minister says war on Iraq is about everything but weapons.
Amira Howeidy
February 17, 2003

Road to Pyongyang through Beijing?

Is China a potential ally in the nuclear showdown with North Korea, or should the United States look elsewhere?
William C. Triplett II
February 21, 2003

N. Korea Flexes Military Muscle

North Korea's recent missile launch – saber rattling or a routine test?
Seo Hyun-jin
February 27, 2003