Of Do-Gooder Celebrities and Stereotyped Bleak Image

Calcutta critics argue that visits by "bleeding heart" Westerners obscure the signs of progress
S. N. M. Abdi
September 16, 2004

Trade Theory vs. Used Clothes in Africa

An African take on the debate between free trade and protectionism
Carter Dougherty
June 3, 2004

Mapuche Indians in Chile Struggle to Take Back Forests

Indigenous vs. state struggle is complicated by use of “terrorism”
Larry Rohter
August 11, 2004

Myanmar: Sanctions Won't Work

To bring about political change, Burma needs economic aid, not economic sanctions
Jeffrey Sachs
July 27, 2004

To Save Lives in Darfur, Back African Peacekeepers and Demand War Crimes Accountability, Says ICG's Prendergast

John Prendergast of The International Crisis Group discusses genocide and what must be done in Sudan’s Darfur region
August 4, 2004