Pakistan and the Afghanistan End Game – Part II

Pakistan sees no reason to stop supporting terrorists
Ashley J. Tellis
March 15, 2010

Pakistan and the Afghanistan End Game – Part I

Islamabad’s effort for a greater influence in Kabul could undermine prospects for stability
Ahmed Rashid
March 12, 2010

With New Challenges, Should NATO Go Global?

Before taking global responsibility, NATO needs to get its own house in order
Richard Weitz
February 26, 2010

Google’s Lesson: Innovation Has to Be Accompanied by Reliability

Companies and governments will focus on safety first while adopting new products
Rob Knake and Adam Segal
February 22, 2010

Northeast India: Boiling Pot of International Rivalry – Part I

Bangladesh was a conduit for anti-India insurgency
Bertil Lintner
February 17, 2010

Solving Afghanistan: Elephant in the Room is Indo-Pakistan Rivalry

The Taliban won’t come to the table without Pakistan, but it would antagonize India
Harsh V. Pant
February 1, 2010

Paris Attacks: The Global Consequences

Cosmopolitan cities are both vulnerable and resilient against terror
Gideon Rachman
November 16, 2015

Not Just Paris: Why Is Beirut's Brutal Terrorist Attack Ignored?

Regarding some violence as routine is a threat for global security
Anna Lekas Miller
November 16, 2015

Hollande Blames ISIS for Attacks in Paris as Death Toll Rises

Europe and other global powers call for unity, but domestic politics may add challenges
Adam Nossiter, Aurelien Breeden and Nicola Clark
November 14, 2015

Egypt Can’t Blame Everyone Else

Egypt’s crackdown on activists, media invites global press scrutiny
H.A. Hellyer
November 9, 2015

Iran's Involvement in Syria Talks Alarms Hardliners

All parties agree on political process that includes ceasefire
Kasra Naji
November 2, 2015