U.S. Is seen Losing Its Moral Authority

America’s global moral leadership has been harmed by the Patriot Act, the war in Iraq, detentions in Guantánamo Bay, and the Abu Ghraib prison scandal
Thomas Fuller
July 5, 2004

Blair: NATO Lacks Sense of Urgency

Quick action and unity on Iraq and Afghanistan are crucial
Matthew Tempest
June 30, 2004

Breaking for the Border

Iraq asks its neighbors to clamp down on cross-border flows of foreign fighters and aid if they wish for Iraqi and regional stability
Salah Hemeid
July 16, 2004

Manila's Iraq Pullout Due to Clout of Overseas Workers

Too many Filipino families depend on 'new heroes' for Manila to ignore hostage threat
Luz Baguioro
July 16, 2004

Security Above All

The world reluctantly accepts port security code to thwart terrorism, but regrets loss of public space
July 2, 2004