Bush in Africa: A Continent Adrift

Internal weakness exacerbated by mistaken international approach has destabilized Africa
Donald Steinberg
February 18, 2008

The EU's First-Ever Security Doctrine

In the wake of squabbles over Iraq, Europe unites under a common foreign policy.
Shada Islam
July 4, 2003

Non-Globalized States Pose a Threat

Bush's African safari is an important step in dealing with the challenge.
Banning N. Garrett
July 7, 2003

Wrong on Rights

The Bush Administration would exempt US corporations from responsibility for their abusive behavior abroad
Harold Hongju Koh
July 18, 2003

Roosevelt Was Right about Multilateralism

US should return to the best traditions of its leadership
Ernesto Zedillo
June 13, 2003

Pressure Alone Will Not Deter Iran from Its Nuclear Path

The US needs to address Iran's fears and aspirations
George Perkovich
June 9, 2003

Dockyard Attackers Planned to Hijack Navy Frigate

Extremists infiltrate the Pakistani military
Fahim Zaman and Naziha Syed Ali
September 17, 2014

Obama's Legal Rationale for ISIS Strikes

Obama relies on 2001 authorization on 9/11 attackers to attack Islamic State
Spencer Ackerman
September 11, 2014

Longtime Rivals Look to Team Up to Confront ISIS

United effort could defeat terrorist group that thrives on conflict and power vacuums
Tim Arango
September 11, 2014

US Forms “Core Coalition” to Counter ISIS

The fight to destroy the terrorism group could last years
Phil Stewart and Julien Ponthus
September 5, 2014

Brutal Efficiency: The Secret to Islamic State's Success

Recruits should be wary of brutal, paranoid leaders
Siobhan Gorman, Nour Malas and Matt Bradley
September 4, 2014