Time for Reality Check in Iran

Capping its expanding nuclear program and not sanctions is the only realistic option
Dilip Hiro
November 19, 2007

American Special Forces in Pakistan: Back to the Future?

Encouraged by Iraqi experience, the US is poised to get more involved in Pakistan
Paula R. Newberg
November 21, 2007

Old Gripe Brings Turkey Face to Face With Iraq

American failure to rein in the restive Kurds reignites a long-simmering conflict
Dilip Hiro
October 22, 2007

An Empowered Middle East – Part II

Reduced violence in Iraq could allow the US a graceful exit and reduce antagonism with Iran
Humphrey Hawksley
January 14, 2008

Emergency for Pakistan – and the World

Musharraf, clinging to power, embitters the electorate and contributes to regional instability
Ahmed Rashid
November 12, 2007

Dialogue of Democracy: Indian Muslims Visit Israel

A journey shows that a common political system can transcend religious differences
Tufail Ahmad
November 7, 2007

A Humanitarian Catastrophe Unfolds in Gaza

The conflict hits Gaza children
Julia Amalia Heyer
July 31, 2014

Malaysian Plane Downing: Will It Change Course of Ukraine Conflict?

International investigation needed to show why jet with 298 passengers crashed over Ukraine
Howard LaFranchi
July 18, 2014

Turkey's Kurdish Buffer

An unlikely alliance emerges as old foes seek stability
Soner Cagaptay
July 17, 2014

UN Chief Ban Ki-moon: Gaza Situation “on Knife-Edge”

Region needs leaders who promote peace, not endless fighting
July 10, 2014

Last of Syria's Chemical Weapons Shipped Out

Conflict delays OPCW investigation
July 7, 2014