Bush at the Rubicon

Can the leader of the world's most powerful nation be persuaded to go against his instincts?
Strobe Talbott
January 23, 2003

Transcript of Flattening World Challenges Imagination

Global climate change intensified by globalization will create new types of jobs, says Thomas Friedman
April 13, 2007

The Poisonous Legacy of the Iraq War – Part I

By turning its might against Iraq, America’s post-9/11 militarism squandered a historic opportunity to defeat terrorism
Fawaz A. Gerges
March 15, 2007

The Poisonous Legacy of the Iraq War – Part II

Those who blame only the West for Middle East violence should also look closer to home
Husain Haqqani
March 19, 2007

Peaceful Resolution of the Iran-UK Crisis: Could It Be a Precedent?

The latest Iranian hostage crisis offers a key lesson in diplomacy
Dilip Hiro
April 9, 2007

The Rise in Extremism – Part I

Saudi Arabia battles holy warriors from the pulpit
Fahad Nazer
March 30, 2007

Anders Breivik's Roots in Right-Wing Populism

Extremist anger is a chain reaction
Frank Patalong
July 25, 2011

Middle-Class Uprising Poses a Global Threat

Citizens resent rising inequality
John Paul Rathbone
July 22, 2011

US Should Slap Sanctions on ISI Officials

Extremism is an unacceptable tool
Bruce Riedel
July 12, 2011

Top Taliban Leader Quits the Pakistan Taliban

Militant commander protests suicide bombings and civilian deaths
Owais Tohid
June 29, 2011

From Abbottabad to Worse

US aid has aggravated Pakistan’s problems
Christopher Hitchens
June 10, 2011