Diplomacy as Afterthought Wins US Few Mideast Converts

While pro-American Arab leaders are paralyzed by Iraq violence, Israel-Palestine interlocutors are lame ducks
Fawaz A. Gerges
January 23, 2007

Military Temptations

Writing in India's respected newspaper the Hindu, one of its leading writer Malini Parthasarathy warns against copycat moves by other countries fighting "terrorism" in the belief that strong military action will solve their problems. Such policy may cost the US little, she says, but it will devastate South Asia.
Nayan Chanda
December 5, 2001

The Axis of Irony

President Bush's Iraq policy means more than meets the eye
Strobe Talbott
November 26, 2002

Legacy of a Terrorist

Even after capture, a terrorist can rely on global networks to inspire others
William O'Malley
January 16, 2007

Iraq War Fuels Global Jihad

US intervention infuriates even mainstream Muslims, giving Al Qaeda and other jihadists a boost
Fawaz A. Gerges
December 21, 2006

Washington’s Iraq Dilemma: Dialogue with Syria Could Serve Bigger Purpose

The US could use interests of the Bashar regime to deliver change throughout the broader Middle East
Matthew Lee
December 14, 2006

Imperial by Design

The US emphasized military endeavors and left many foreign-policy problems unresolved
John Mearsheimer
January 18, 2011

Monitoring America

More than 4000 US counterterrorism groups check local citizen activities for internal threats
Dana Priest, William M. Arkin
December 30, 2010

Fighting Terrorism in Yemen Requires Patience and Partners

Saudi Arabia and other Gulf nations have good reason to stabilize Yemen
November 10, 2010

Extremist Websites Booming, But Hard to Police

Relying on tips from the public, investigators track extremists on the internet
Michael Holden
October 6, 2010

Petraeus Condemns US Church's Plan to Burn Korans

US general takes time off from combat to chastise extremists at home
Julian E. Barnes, Matthew Rosenberg
September 7, 2010