Prisoner's Release Does Not Herald a Xinjiang Spring

Chinese focus on Uyghur ethnic aspirations, rather than Islam, could stabilize the troubled region
Dru C. Gladney
March 30, 2005

The Beirut Blast Shakes the Middle East

The pent-up Lebanese anger against Syria could reshape the Middle East and its ties with the West
Rami G. Khouri
February 18, 2005

The Rise of a New Axis?

Washington may have cause to worry about a Pyongyang-Tehran nuclear alliance
Leonard S. Spector
February 11, 2005

Despite Rhetoric Trans-Atlantic Alliance is Alive and Well

Behind the jabs over Iraq, the United States and Europe share remarkably common goals
Mohammed Ayoob
February 14, 2005

Abbas: Time to Walk the Walk

Actions, not words, will determine the success of the Palestinian leadership in securing peace with Israel
Barry Rubin
March 4, 2005

A Drug-Free Afghanistan Not So Easy

Western eradication drive means increased poverty and political tension for the Afghans
Paula R. Newberg
March 7, 2005

Government Spends Rupiah 3.5 Billion to Revive Bali Tourism

Indonesia tries to recover from terrorist attacks.
December 3, 2002

Bangladesh is Weak Link in War on Terror

Not all US allies are friendly to its aims
Anand Kumar
December 15, 2003

Cargo Ship Raided by Greece Was Going to Sudanese Capital

Undetected, ship sneaks explosives into the Mediterranean
Frank Bruni
June 24, 2003

The War on Terrorism Takes Aim at Crime

Stepping up the war on international drug and crime syndicates may undermine terrorists.
James Dao
April 7, 2002

For the Iraqis, a Missile Deal That Went Sour

North Koreans "stiffed" Saddam
David E. Sanger
December 1, 2003