U.S. Eyes Pressing Uprising in Iran

"Officials Cite Al Qaeda Links, Nuclear Program."
Glenn Kessler
May 25, 2003

Europe Must Now Defend Itself

With the U.S. opposing the E.U. on many issues around the International Criminal Court, the E.U. may have to build a stronger defense pillar for itself.
Quentin Peel
July 7, 2002

George Bush's Aqaba lesson – Jethro's 'The Man'

History shows that the Arabian Peninsula is not so easily won.
Rami G. Khouri
June 4, 2003

Sharm El Sheikh & al-Aqaba: New Emperor to Reap Conquest

Summits between US and Arab nations will promote US objectives and exacerbate tensions in the Middle East.
Kareem M. Kamel
June 2, 2003

Thaksin in America: PM Denies Visit is to Patch Up Ties with US

Thai response to New York Times report, which alleged that Bush was displeased with Thaksin.
Yuwadee Tunyasiri
June 10, 2003