A Role for the U.N. in Iraq’s Future

The U.S. must encourage the U.N. to take a central role in the rebuilding of Iraq, or relations between America and skeptical nations across the world will deteriorate even more.
March 28, 2003

No Regrets in a Suburb Named After the Despot

For the minority Shia residents of Saddam City, it’s time to celebrate and join the globalized world!
Andrew Buncombe
April 10, 2003

Every Country Has the Right to Pre-emption: Jaswant

Indian official says the doctrine asserting the right to pre-emption is neither new nor exclusively American.
Sridhar Krishnaswami
October 1, 2002

Evidence of Chemical Arms Found

Terrorist group with Al Qaeda links overrun.
Jonathan S. Landay
April 2, 2003

U.S. Risks a Wave of Extremism

Bringing democracy to Iraq faces many obstacles.
Husain Haqqani
April 1, 2003