Is Protectionism Unavoidable?

Political compulsion could overcome economic prudence but coordination among countries may limit damage
Jeffrey E. Garten
February 6, 2009

Union in Crisis

Playing a blame game, scared European governments seem ready to throw weaker members out of the lifeboat
Jonathan Fenby
February 16, 2009

Jobs Can Be Outsourced, Not Politics

By linking job loss to trade, politicians have always courted economic ruin
Harold James
March 24, 2004

Growing Vulnerability of Seaports from Terror Attacks

How to protect ports while allowing global flow of trade is a new challenge
Michael Richardson
March 5, 2004

India and Pakistan Get Ready for Cricket

How the old rivals are finding a way to peace
March 8, 2004

US and China Must Tame Imbalances Together

The two nations must coordinate fiscal and monetary policy to control the crisis they helped create
Michael Pettis
January 6, 2009

China Evacuates Citizens From Yemen

Foreign operators account for most of Yemen’s energy production
James T. Areddy
April 1, 2015

How to Know if the Iran Deal Is a Good Deal

The deal must guarantee rapid-response punishments for cheating
Joe Cirincione
March 31, 2015

Does Destroying Ivory Really Save Elephants?

Poaching in Africa continues to spread
Mwangi Kimenyi
March 26, 2015

The German Road: Congo Project Shows Pitfalls of Development Aid

Government fails to keep up with security and maintenance
Samiha Shafy
March 25, 2015

“Big Brother” Technology Comes to Australia's Shops

Retailers provide free wireless to keep shoppers in stores and track browsing activity
Nina Hendy
March 23, 2015