Hacker Killed by Drone Was Islamic State’s “Secret Weapon”

Modern warfare requires tech expertise
Margaret Coker, Danny Yadron and Damian Paletta
August 28, 2015

Denmark: First EU Country Planning to Run Anti-Refugee Adverts in Foreign Papers

Far-right parties gain traction by opposing immigration of desperate refugees
Emmanuel Akinwotu
August 20, 2015

War Actually Is an Alternative to Iran Deal

Expecting a better deal on Iran is fantasy
Philip Gordon
August 14, 2015

Erdogan's Cynical Game: Is Turkey Creeping Toward Civil War?

Attacks on Kurds battling the Islamic State are troubling
Maximilian Popp and Christoph Reuter
August 4, 2015

Turkey Launches Heaviest Air Strikes Yet on Kurdish Group

Kurds count among the fiercest opponents for the Islamic State
Humeyra Pamuk and Nick Tattersall
July 29, 2015