In The News

Enrique Rangel May 28, 2003
When U.S President George Bush and Mexican President Vicente Fox took offices in their respective countries, the U.S. and Mexico promised to have the friendliest relationship seen in years. However, the strain caused by differences on Iraq and Washington's focus on terrorism is worrying more and more people on both sides. Immigration issues have further worsened this relationship. Despite...
David E. Sanger May 22, 2003
In his commencement address at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, U.S. President George W. Bush urged the European Union to lift the ban on bio-crops so as to make Africa not "fear being shut out of European markets." Many U.S. officials, including the President himself, have alleged that the European fear of bio-crops was without scientific basis. Meanwhile, one E.U. official, in response...
May 22, 2003
As a world glut cut down the price of coffee, some coffee-growing countries have decided to convert some of their coffee areas to other crops, increasing the diversity of their agricultural production and raising world coffee prices. At a recent round-table discussion, the World Bank and the International Coffee Organization urged rich countries to lower their agricultural tariffs and reduce...
Jeffrey E. Garten April 2, 2003
In this article, Jeffrey Garten, Dean of the Yale School of Management, warns of the mismatch between America's economic policies and its “mushrooming overseas commitments.” In order to finance the global fight against terrorism and the arduous process of nation-building in places like Afghanistan and Iraq, Washington will have to drastically alter its current economic policies, says Garten...