In The News

Anand Giridharadas September 26, 2007
India was an early leader in benefiting from the technology-driven globalization of the job market, but now positions such jobs all over the globe. A traditional recipient of outsourced labor, India has experienced rising worker wages and competition from other developing countries. As a result, writes journalist Anand Giridharadas, Indian firms have opened offices in countries such as Mexico,...
Mark Thirlwell September 17, 2007
Even as economists fret about sustaining global economic integration and politicians in the wealthiest nations make opposition to globalization a winning campaign theme, the phenomenon continues to connect the world. Such a dichotomy may not continue for long, warns economist Mark Thirlwell. Growing alarm in the developed nations stems from the emergence of powerful competitors in the developing...
Elizabeth C. Economy September 7, 2007
China has become a leading polluter in the world, with its citizens suffering from air pollution, decreasing supplies of potable water and reckless development. Consumers around the world buy inexpensive goods from China, but do not pay the true costs. The country has environmental laws, but businesses and local leaders ignore them in order to increase jobs and profits. The nation is capable of...
Emily Wax September 5, 2007
For 3000 years, India operated with a caste system; from birth, Indians understood their status and role in society. Prohibited by law, the caste system remains a source for discrimination in India. By law, the public sector and public universities set aside a percentage of jobs for people born into the lowest castes, and activists encourage similar affirmative-action programs within the private...
Pablo Bachelet August 15, 2007
Migrants report that finding work in the US has become more challenging, according to a recent study conducted by Inter-American Development Bank and the Bendixen polling firm. Migrants often feel as though they live in a “sense of siege” and many contemplate returning to their native countries. In the US, they face job, lending and housing discrimination and often do not make enough money to...
August 9, 2007
Between 1900 and 2000, the world’s population quadrupled, today standing at 6.5 billion people. But in some parts of the world – including the US, Europe, Japan, China – the fertility rate is lower then the replacement rate, causing experts to worry about a declining population. Institutions in developed nations, designed for growth, will be affected: For example, worker-retiree rations will be...
Margot Cohen August 8, 2007
Framing the face, hair contributes to human appearance, so much so that European religious leader Martin Luther once observed that “The hair is the richest ornament of women.” Men and women, young and old, pursue wigs, hair extensions toupees and other products. Real human hair offers the most authentic look, and hair collection, sorting, dying and crafting have become a big business in Asia....