In The News

Sushma Ramachandran August 14, 2007
India anticipates the medical-tourism sector to expand, with patients around the world seeking low-cost, high-quality treatment. The industry could be worth $2 billion in 2012, about six times its worth in 2004, a study from Ernst and Young projects. Depending on the medical procedure, treatment in India can cost about 12 to 20 percent what the same operation might cost in developed nations. As a...
Robert Lee Hotz August 13, 2007
Nations can impose the strictest of environmental standards – but that does not stop the pollution seeping in from other nations. Plumes of “man-made sulfates, smog, industrial fumes, carbon grit and nitrates” collect over manufacturing powerhouse China and then move with prevailing winds around the globe. On some days, almost one third of the air pollution in cities like Los Angeles can be...
Julia Preston August 10, 2007
With the failure of a US immigration bill, most analysts assumed immigration reform was dead until after the next presidential election. But states have taken the matter into their own hands, considering more than 1000 pieces of legislation on immigration, with an unprecedented number of laws passed by 41 state legislatures, along with more from some cities and towns. Varying laws – most hostile...
August 9, 2007
Between 1900 and 2000, the world’s population quadrupled, today standing at 6.5 billion people. But in some parts of the world – including the US, Europe, Japan, China – the fertility rate is lower then the replacement rate, causing experts to worry about a declining population. Institutions in developed nations, designed for growth, will be affected: For example, worker-retiree rations will be...
Margot Cohen August 8, 2007
Framing the face, hair contributes to human appearance, so much so that European religious leader Martin Luther once observed that “The hair is the richest ornament of women.” Men and women, young and old, pursue wigs, hair extensions toupees and other products. Real human hair offers the most authentic look, and hair collection, sorting, dying and crafting have become a big business in Asia....
Adrienne Selko August 2, 2007
Success in strategic sourcing requires finding the global hot spots first. Getting established in a budding community builds connections and provides early access to eager workers. Goals for foreign investment vary immensely around the globe. Kenya is particular, wanting firms that will contribute to innovation; Vietnam extends its welcome to all sectors, especially those that contribute to...
David Wessel July 27, 2007
Corporations have long insisted that globalization delivers prosperity. But a report commissioned by the Financial Services Forum, an association of CEOs of 20 major financial firms, admits that most benefits have gone to a select few. International operations increasingly account for most sales and business conducted by multinational firms, writes David Wessel for the Wall Street Journal. But...