In The News

Scott Gottlieb and Tevi Troy September 15, 2014
Ebola is spreading rapidly through African communities and devastating economies. Advanced nations can prevent the spread beyond West Africa by organizing intense research efforts and development of vaccines, encouraging donations for the prevention effort, and mandating screening efforts while maintaining open borders. Paradoxically, allowing open borders reduces fear. Otherwise, the infected...
Nick Tattersall and Mariam Karouny August 27, 2014
Thousands of foreign fighters from Turkey, Europe and the United States have crossed the Turkish border with Syria, eager to join the brutal Islamic State group. Early in the Syrian uprising, Turkey maintained an open border to allow safe passage for refugees and support for moderate Syrian rebels. “That policy now appears to have been a miscalculation and has drawn accusations, strongly denied...
TNN July 14, 2014
Around 15,000 illegal migrants from India, according to Gulf Returnees' Welfare Association, GRWA, are trapped in Iraq, and their families are scrambling for official help with their safe return, gathering documents to establish their nationality at the Indian embassy. Many workers were illegally sent with “dummy” visas into Iraq to work for US soldiers as the Indian government had imposed...
June 10, 2014
US President Barack Obama described the increasing number of unaccompanied children migrating to the United States as an “urgent humanitarian situation.” Most come from Central America and Mexico, and many are escaping domestic abuse, poverty or violent gangs who prey on them. However, children are unaware of the dangers of traveling alone, including sexual assault, forced labor and hunger. Since...
Suzanne Daley March 3, 2014
Europe’s barricades and dangerous seas, beatings and insults, military police and rubber bullets, are not slowing the stream of immigrants attempting to flee poverty in Africa or war in Syria. “Ten years ago Spain spent more than 30 million euros building up the barriers around Melilla and Ceuta, its two enclaves surrounded by Morocco on the northern coast of Africa,” reports Suzanne Daley for...
Nayan Chanda January 27, 2014
Recently the Delhi law minister from the newly elected Aam Aadmi (Common People) Party led a mob to harass African women suspected of illegal activity. In the process he and his supporters uttered racist words. Video clips from a decade ago also show another leader of the Aam Aadmi Party, poet Kumar Vishwas, making racist remarks. Such racism is foolish and ignores the ancestry of Indians as of...
Kishore Mahbubani January 14, 2014
Indians rank first for economic performance in terms of the income earned by ethnic groups in the United States. “America welcomes immigrants from all over the globe, offering a level playing field, and encourages them to test themselves against world-class competition,” writes Kishore Mahbubani, author and dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS. If India could achieve half of the...