In The News

Dan Collyns March 28, 2018
Amazon indigenous women are protesting oil drilling and mining in their territories, urging Ecuador’s President Lenin Moreno to combat not only environmental exploitation but also the sexual and psychic violence “they claim accompany the industries.” A delegation of indigenous women met with Moreno after 100 protested by camping in Quito’s plaza near the Carondelet government palace for five days...
Patrick Wintour December 8, 2017
Citing its commitment to US political sovereignty and strict immigration policies, the Trump administration has pulled the country of the United Nations’ global compact on migration. The announcement came within hours of the opening of a UN global conference on migration in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. According to Patrick Wintour of the Guardian, “The UN had always insisted that the compact was...
Nabih Bulos November 11, 2017
Even the most fragmented, polarized nations tend to unite when external powers interfere in bullying ways. Such is the case of Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. Lebanon’s population is 6 million, Saudi Arabia’s is 32 million and the crisis for the smaller country is an extension of the war for regional influence between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Lebanon’s citizens worry about Prime Minister Saad Hariri who...
September 27, 2017
BBC News reports that 92 percent of the people of northern Iraq, including Kurds and non-Kurds, favor pursuing independence for Kurdistan in a non-binding referendum. Turnout was more than 70 percent. Iraq’s prime minister, urging a cancellation of results, encouraged dialogue. “Kurdish leaders say the ‘Yes’ vote will give them a mandate to start negotiations on secession with the central...
Raya Jalabi September 22, 2017
About 30 million Kurdish people are spread throughout the Middle East in Turkey, Syria, Iran and Iraq, and in recent years many fought fiercely to protect their communities against extremists. Iraqi Kurds are expected to pursue independence starting with a referendum and transform their semi-autonomous region into a new country known as Kurdistan. US and United Nations officials have tried to...
Adam Taylor July 19, 2017
One group of separatists announced that eastern Ukraine is a new country, one that will be close with Russia. A map displayed during the announcement described all of Ukraine, except Crimea, as Malorossiya, or Little Russia. “The move seems to undermine the faltering Minsk peace agreement, a 2015 deal reached between Russian-backed rebels and the government in Kiev that sought to end the violence...
Patrick Wintour June 24, 2017
Saudi Arabia is demonstrating insecurity and intolerance for other points of view by leading a trade and diplomatic embargo against tiny neighbor Qatar and then issuing a 13-part ultimatum. Saudi Arabia’s population is 15 times larger than Qatar’s 2.2 million. Qatar denies that it funds or harbors terrorists, and certainly not more than Saudi citizenss have been reported to do. The demands...