In The News

Doug Struck February 15, 2003
After decades of constitutional restrictions on offensive forces, Japan has reopened a national debate about the military. As part of its surrender after World War II, Japan agreed to dismantle its armed forces and since then has largely relied on the United States for military support. In the past few months, however, nervous defense ministers have quietly begun to rebuild the military in...
Ivan Oelrich February 14, 2003
Current American assumptions of North Korean missile capabilities are based upon the monitoring of North Korean missile tests, and scientist Ivan Oelrich believes that it is incorrect to make the assumption that North Korean missiles could reach the United States. North Korea has yet to demonstrate this capability, and looking at its known missiles, will find it very difficult to obtain such...
Nancy Soderberg February 12, 2003
Nancy Soderberg, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, reviews the history of U.S. negotiations with North Korea over its nuclear program. In each case, direct negotiations have led to North Korean compliance, suggesting that the Bush administration’s most viable option in resolving the current crisis is to negotiate bilaterally with North Korea once again, and offer incentives such...
February 12, 2003
With tens of thousands of its citizens working in the Middle East, the Indonesian government is following the example of its Southeast Asian neighbors and preparing for the worst. In the face of a growing threat of war in Iraq, Jakarta is sending a team of government personnel to the region to plan an evacuation of Indonesian nationals. – YaleGlobal
James Dao February 12, 2003
At the U.S.’s behest, the International Atomic Energy Agency has now found North Korea in violation of international nuclear weapons agreements. The Agency has sent the issue to the United Nations Security Council for review and to determine the appropriate action, which could include economic sanctions against North Korea. While China supports the U.S. initiative, Russia opposes it, saying...
Sirinart Sirisunthorn February 11, 2003
Technological junk from around the world is finding its way to Thai ports, where it becomes the government's property – and the government's responsibility. Since Thailand is not a member of international agreements banning trade in hi-tech garbage, it cannot send unclaimed shipping containers back to their country of origin. Instead, Thais must pay to have the contents processed and...
William Pesek Jr. February 11, 2003
In this commentary in Singapore's Straits Times, William Pesek Jr. argues that "The West may be preoccupied with Iraq, but those who ignore risks from North Korea could be hit on the blind side by declining Asian markets." The 'North Korea Effect' he describes anticipates North Korea developing and testing nuclear weapons, setting off an economic chain reaction. A...