In The News

Áine Doris December 23, 2019
Consumers value authentic products and foods, but definitions of “authentic” can vary widely. Anyone in marketing must understand what authenticity means for their particular products and customers. Balázs Kovács, who researchers organizational behavior at Yale’s School of Management, studied what authenticity’s means among ordinary people and found big differences when the word is applied to...
Daisuke Akimoto December 22, 2019
Development of robots, artificial intelligence and autonomous machines outpaces regulations and leads to human rights concerns. “Although no ‘fully autonomous’ weapon exists at this stage, several countries, such as the United States, Russia, China, South Korea, and Israel, are thought to have developed ‘semi-autonomous’ weapons equipped with artificial intelligence,” explains Daisuke Akimoto for...
Gabriel Winant December 21, 2019
Productivity fuels economic growth and wealth, and management increasingly relies on technologies to motivate workers to achieve greater speed. Yet wages do not grow at the same pace, and top company officers and investors collect most of the gains. “The decline of unions, the rise of inequality, the crisis of liberal democracy, and the changing face of American culture all, in one form or...
Kim Hjelmgaard December 20, 2019
The House of Representatives voted to impeach Trump on two articles, abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Only one Republican congressional representative has criticized Trump’s behavior and he left the party. Otherwise, all Republicans in the House opposed impeachment. Removing the president requires 67 votes in a Senate. The Republican majority probably will not convict Trump. Hence,...
Kimberly Clausing December 20, 2019
People in advanced economies, worried by inequality and stagnant wages, are turning against globalization. But embracing nationalism, and blaming immigration and trade, may not help. Quick fixes could do more harm than good. Kimberly Clausing, author and economist, urges reviewing policies to support workers and communities and reform taxes to share the gains of economic growth. She also urges...
Nayan Chanda December 18, 2019
US President Donald Trump seeks partners in his push to rebalance global trade, reduce global agreements with environmental and other constraints, and build US influence based on power rather than cooperative alliances. He views the UK’s Boris Johnson as a likeminded leader, after an overwhelming victory in parliamentary elections all but ensures Britain’s speedy exit from the European Union....
Sarah Provan and Archie Hall December 18, 2019
Boeing announced a temporary suspension in production of its 737 Max airline. Regulators and airlines grounded the plane after two crashes within five months. The world's largest aerospace manufacturer depends on a deep global supply chain for the plane’s many parts, and the suspension in production hits suppliers. Safran, based in France and the world’s third largest aerospace supplier, had...