In The News

Joseph Fitchett February 10, 2003
The differences over Iraq that emerged between France, Germany and the US in the UN Security Council have now widened and spilled over into NATO. The Bush administration and Congressional leaders were furious at a news report about a secret Franco-German plan to boost the number of arms inspectors in Iraq. That dispute has now spread to NATO as France, along with Germany and Belgium, blocked...
Thomas L. Friedman February 8, 2003
Who were the September 11 hijackers? What impelled them to bring about "such a bursting of the frontiers of civilization"? Thomas L. Friedman, the foreign affairs columnist at The New York Times and author of "The Lexus and the Olive Tree," spent the last fourteen months traveling to find answers to these questions. In an address at Yale University, he offered his personal...
Colin Powell February 5, 2003
In a wide-ranging speech, U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell outlines the case against Iraq. His conclusion: Iraq is in further material breach of previous UN resolutions. Providing satellite photos, tape recordings, and human intelligence, Powell says Iraq has misled inspectors, mislaid information, and misplaced weapons of mass destruction (WMD). But more worrying than this, according to...
Amira Howeidy January 29, 2003
What effects would a UK- and US-led war on Iraq have on Egypt’s economy, society and political position? What effects are already taking place at the prospect of war? This article in Egypt's Al-Ahram Weekly says Egypt would suffer heavy economic losses, for not only would the war hurt its vital tourism industry, it would also disrupt trade with Iraq and destabilize jobs for Egyptian...
January 27, 2003
In compliance with the U.N. resolutions governing the weapons inspections in Iraq since November, Chief Inspector Hans Blix reported today to the Security Council about the progress of his team. Mr. Blix both commended the Iraqi government for granting access to weapons sites and lamented the Iraqis' lack of compliance with the substance of weapons restrictions. Questions still remain as...
Condoleezza Rice January 23, 2003
In an article in the New York Times, US National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice says that Iraq's behavior shows it does not intend to cooperate with the United Nations resolution calling for its disarmament. Contrasting Iraq with other nations that have voluntarily disarmed in the recent past – including South Africa, South Africa, Ukraine and Kazakhstan – Rice says "Iraq is not...
Strobe Talbott January 23, 2003
US President George W. Bush seems to have his heart set on going to war against Iraq. No matter what entreaties for patience are offered, he appears more convinced than ever that military action to bring down Saddam Hussein is the only way to ensure Iraq will not threaten the world with biological and chemical weapons. – YaleGlobal