ICC: Environmental Destruction Is a Crime Against Humanity

The International Criminal Court is turning attention to cases of environmental destruction and land grabs as crimes against humanity, reports the Christian Science Monitor. “This represents a significant shift in strategy at the ICC, which since its 1989 inception has been charged with investigating war crimes and human rights offenses when national governments were incapable of doing so,” notes Rowena Lindsay. The new focus could target corporate and political leaders who endanger communities by poisoning water supplies or destroying habitat. Such activities, often for quick profits for a few, can be as damaging as war crimes for communities. The article suggests that the ICC lacks the ability to monitor such activities worldwide, but could partner with governments on such cases. ICC has already shifted its focus, including a charge against a rebel for “cultural destruction as a war crime” in Mali. A goal of the court in selecting is preventing similar activity from happening again. – YaleGlobal

ICC: Environmental Destruction Is a Crime Against Humanity

The International Criminal Court is moving toward investigating a broader range of war crimes including land grabs and environmental destruction
Rowena Lindsay
Friday, September 23, 2016

Rowena Lindsay is an intern with the Social First team at the Monitor.

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