Mozambique Will Be Stripped of Its Forests “in Just a Few Years”

Exportation of exotic hardwood timber from Mozambique to China is rapidly eliminating Mozambique’s forests. Chinese businesses have adopted the practice of lending money for equipment like chainsaws to individual villagers in poor rural areas of Mozambique. These Mozambicans, who are often former farmers, subsequently participate in logging to pay off their debts and support their families. The process is highly visible, and one agency estimates that 90 percent of logging in Mozambique is illegal, but payments to officials ensure that the unregulated lumber industry is sheltered from legal action. Direct partnerships with individuals also eliminate the need for logging firms to secure licenses or replant trees. Almost all of the illegal timber reaching Mozambican ports is destined for China. When asked about concerns over the depletion of Mozambique’s forests, one Chinese businessman responded that he will “move to the next country.” – YaleGlobal

Mozambique Will Be Stripped of Its Forests “in Just a Few Years”

Export of rare hardwoods from Mozambique to China is fueled by corruption and rural poverty and threatens to leave Mozambique without forests
Andrea Dijkstra
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
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