Antibiotic Resistance Threatens Everyone, WHO Warns

Bacteria adapt quickly and resist antibiotic treatments for common diseases like urinary tract and skin infections, pneumonia, tuberculosis, malaria and MRSA. The resistance is a global phenomenon, but the resistant diseases vary from nation to nation. “Some countries have been aggressive in terms of surveillance for antibiotic resistance, which the WHO says is important for early detection of resistant strains in addressing public health concerns and to inform clinical decision-making, for example by doctors and staff in nursing homes,” reports CBC News in Canada. Researchers point to overtreatment as a reason for the growing resistance as well as hesitance within the pharmaceutical industry to develop new antibiotics for diseases. WHO also urges prevention through “better hygiene, access to clean water, infection control in health-care facilities, and vaccination to reduce the need for antibiotics.” – YaleGlobal

Antibiotic Resistance Threatens Everyone, WHO Warns

World Health organization warns that resistance to antibiotics has reached alarming levels
Monday, May 5, 2014
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