AFL-CIO Jumps Into Protests

The United States’ most powerful union group has seen its support and membership wane in recent years. Now the AFL-CIO is trying a new tactic to increase its influence: joining the growing outcry against international financial institutions. Recently, the group has taken a more active role in this movement, including helping to organize protests against the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, which represent what they see as an economic system that fails to benefit workers. The AFL-CIO hopes to broaden its scope beyond more local bread-and-butter economic issues, a move that some say has cost the labor movement its former fiery enthusiasm and power. Joining the movement against the current global economic structure may also enable the AFL-CIO to secure allies beyond its own immediate members. - YaleGlobal

AFL-CIO Jumps Into Protests

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

Click here for the original article on The Chicago Tribune's website.

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