Deutsche Welle: Climate Change Sets the World on Fire
Fast-moving wildfires are striking densely populated communities throughout the Americas and Europe, resulting in mass evacuations, with dozens of deaths, thousands of homes destroyed, mass evacuations and disrupted businesses. “With global temperatures rising, scientists say wildfires are likely to become increasingly frequent and widespread,” reports Deutsche Welle. “Even Greenland, not known for its hot, dry conditions, suffered an unprecedented blaze this summer with a large grassy peatland fire burning for two weeks.” NASA satellite data show raging fires on every continent, even in the tropics where fire is not part of natural cycles. Governments around the globe must invest more money into fire prevention and firefighting. More fires add more emissions to the atmosphere and this in turns drives more climate change. – YaleGlobal
Deutsche Welle: Climate Change Sets the World on Fire
Southern Europe, western parts of Canada and the US have been devastated by wildfires – the new normal is longer, harsher fire seasons
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Deutsche Welle
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