Foreign Policy: Mexico Could Take Left Turn on Foreign Policy

Mexican voters are expected to elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador as president on July 1– and “relations with the United States could fall into new depths,” reports Richard Miles for Foreign Policy. By taking the leftist turn, Mexicans may think they are resisting the far-right and anti-immigrant policies of the US president but they could actually be following his lead by embracing populism, albeit on the other side of the political spectrum. New policies may include less open trade, yet diversification of trade relationships that could reduce ties with the United States and increase trade with India and Central American neighbors. Mexico could reduce participation in the US war on drugs and even pursue legalization of some substances. Mexico ranks as the second largest export partner for the United States, representing more than 15 percent of shipments by dollar for 2017. For Mexico, the United States is the top export and import partner. – YaleGlobal

Foreign Policy: Mexico Could Take Left Turn on Foreign Policy

If populism and Andrés Manuel López Obrador sweeps to power in Mexico, the country's foreign policy could return to the policies of the 1930s
Richard G. Miles
Friday, June 29, 2018

Read the article from Foreign Policy magazine about Mexico’s presidential election.

Richard G. Miles is the director of the U.S.-Mexico Futures Initiative at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. From 2007 to 2008, he handled Mexican affairs on the US National Security Council staff.

Read about Mexican trade from the Observatory of Economic Complexity.