For many years, organizations like Women on Web assist women in challenging settings like war zones to obtain medications to induce abortions. Women on Web provides Skype consultations, prescriptions and pills that trigger miscarriages, but also was “inundated with requests from women in countries...
A day after US President George W. Bush announced proposed changes to US immigration policy, some are saying the changes do not go deep enough. If it meets with approval from the US Congress, Bush's proposal would grant identity cards to millions of illegal workers and allow them to continue...
President Bush's sweeping immigration reform plan announced Wednesday to help legalize undocumented workers while tightening U.S. border controls missed the most important point -- that the flow of illegal immigrants...
President-elect Barack Obama will enter office on January 20 with multiple security dilemmas around the globe clamoring for attention. Impoverished North Korea, with its nuclear weapons program and ruled by a ruthless dictator, is one security matter that should be on the top of his list, argues...
Avoiding a face off: Barack Obama will need diplomatic skill to settle the unresolved nuclear issue with North Korea's Kim Jong Il
WASHINGTON: As if reversing a global economic meltdown and cleaning up after two...
Cooperation could prevent contagion stemming from the Greek debt crisis, explains Nayan Chanda, YaleGlobal’s editor, in a column for the Times of India. The 17 members of the eurozone shared a monetary policy without common fiscal regulation. Reckless borrowing ensued. A negotiated bailout requires...
The on-again off-again euro summit in Brussels has bought some time for the embattled currency by writing off half the Greek debt and setting up a $1.4 trillion rescue fund. But it won't be able to fend off vultures circling over a weakened euro for...
The percentage of international students enrolled at US colleges and universities has climbed over the past five years, due to rising applications from overseas and declining enrollment by US students. College administrators encourage civic engagement for all students, and international students...
Civic engagement: Trump supporter shouts at protesters, after the campaign cancels rally at the University of Illinois at Chicago Pavilion, top (Reuters); Florida Institute of Technology demonstrates pride in its diverse student population with an...
A late-1980s campaign to help small coffee growers has blossomed into a US$500 million industry. Fairtrade goods, from bananas to cotton, aim to appeal to Western consumers' consciences by supporting above-market compensation for third-world growers. Though the industry has indeed flourished...
PARIS: A steaming bowl of golden Maftoul couscous is an ancient Mediterranean dish transformed to nouvelle cuisine in France by adding standard chickpeas and an extra helping of a Fairtrade guarantee.
The sun...
The recent deaths of migratory birds in western China are raising concerns that the avian flu may have found an unwelcome vehicle through which to spread around the world. According to newly released journal reports by Chinese scientists, at least 6,000 migratory geese have died so far due to the...
Click here for the original article on The Boston Globe's website.
Controlling a booming economy, pointing it in new directions, is no easy task. Attempts by China's central government to reduce production and exports of aluminum and steel – two energy-intensive industries that also create large amounts of pollution – have not worked. Despite an increase in...
Click here to read the article in the Financial Times.