Kuala Lumpur Cracking Down on Illegals – Again

Soaring crime rate in Malaysia leads to tougher measures, which include jail for foreign workers and their employers
Leslie Lau
August 12, 2004

Japan Elbows its Way into Far East: Not Only for Energy

Japan’s relationship with Russia based on oil and influence
August 12, 2004

Singapore, Vietnam Team Up on Third-Party Projects

Together they win four logistics deals from Japanese investors and will now target European and US investments
Audrey Tan
August 18, 2004

Taiwan's President Rejects China's 'Domestic Flights' Demand

Beijing's insistence on using the term 'domestic routes' for cross-strait flights is the biggest obstacle to the establishment of links
Huang Tai-lin
August 18, 2004

NK Defectors in China Remain Concern

Seo Hyun-jin
July 30, 2004