The global economy thrives on globalization and the increasing interdependence of finance, production, consumption and trade. Such integration has reduced poverty, yet varying national policies along with ever-increasing speed of transactions and market news have also contributed to imbalances, both among nations and within. Regulations often do not keep pace in managing cross-border debt, foreign direct investment, corporate practices, tax codes or economic bubbles. The eurozone crisis and the US subprime mortgage crisis have demonstrated that one nation’s problems and panic can spread like wildfire. Nations must combine a competitive spirit with cooperation to achieve stable economic growth and sustainable prosperity.

Reform and Rebalance

Republican tactics delay needed global economic rebalancing
Nayan Chanda
October 9, 2013

Global Consequences of US Failure to Pay Debt

Refusal to pay debt is reckless
October 9, 2013

To Shut Down Washington, Republicans Must Ask China's Permission First

Republicans want to slash US spending; China could grant that wish
Eamonn Fingleton
October 2, 2013

Default or Not, Asia Hostage to US Debt

A small group of US legislators toy with global crisis to get their way
Choonsik Yoo, Kevin Yao
September 30, 2013

Merkel Victory Will Mask Germany's Long-Term Economic Problems

Complacency does not give way to competition
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
September 23, 2013