The global economy thrives on globalization and the increasing interdependence of finance, production, consumption and trade. Such integration has reduced poverty, yet varying national policies along with ever-increasing speed of transactions and market news have also contributed to imbalances, both among nations and within. Regulations often do not keep pace in managing cross-border debt, foreign direct investment, corporate practices, tax codes or economic bubbles. The eurozone crisis and the US subprime mortgage crisis have demonstrated that one nation’s problems and panic can spread like wildfire. Nations must combine a competitive spirit with cooperation to achieve stable economic growth and sustainable prosperity.

Will Services Provide Our Salvation?

Will imbalances in services and manufacturing save or hinder local economies?
Hamish McRae
February 18, 2009

A Global Credit Squeeze Is Felt Unevenly

Governments hang on to their money as fear of lending sweeps the globe
Floyd Norris
February 11, 2009

Why Skilled Immigrants Are Leaving the U.S.

US loses skilled immigrants that have fueled innovation and economic growth
Vivek Wadhwa
March 3, 2009

Obama Risks Flap on “Buy American”

Protectionist clauses in the US stimulus package could prompt a trade war and widespread job loss
Neil King Jr.
February 9, 2009

A Textile Capital of China Is Hobbled by a Downturn Gone Global

Factories and workers must adjust to new global thriftiness
David Barboza
March 10, 2009