Since human migrations began, germs have traveled with people, animals and traded goods. In an interconnected and mobile world, diseases such as HIV/AIDS and SARS can spread rapidly. Yet international cooperation through agencies such as the World Health Organization also allows for a collective response to global health threats and faster response times. Nations have developed diverse health care systems, aiming for cost-effective treatment. Yet the diverse systems contribute to disparities in global health, including availability of technology, pharmaceutical companies targeting innovations to maximize profits, and providers abandoning areas of need for higher salaries in the West, just to name a few.

Running for Cover

The remaining Democrats disagree over individual mandates for health coverage
February 28, 2008

The Health Insurance Mafia

The health care dilemma could be solved by less, not more, insurance
Jonathan Kellerman
April 14, 2008

Virus in China Highlights an Old Problem

An educated public expects regular government updates on any disease outbreaks
Nicholas Zamiska
May 6, 2008

An Age-Old Quest Could Be at an End: Chinese Hail Viagra

‘Sexual stimulants’, whether herbal or Viagra, are popular in China.
Elisabeth Rosenthal
April 23, 2002

India Tries to Contain Tempest Over Soft Drink Safety

Blame for unsafe soft drinks is shifting from Coca-Cola and Pepsi to the Indian government.
Amy Waldman
August 23, 2003