As governments confront many challenges that are global in scale, leaders find they must cooperate in responding to financial, climate, terrorism and other crises. As a result, a global audience has developed keen interest in how and why nations select their leaders. On one hand, citizens expect sensible and collective action, transparency and fair representation; on the other hand, citizens and leaders fret about compromising security, sovereignty or loss of control. Diplomats and global organizations like the United Nations aim to achieve a balance, even as global communications allow citizens in democracies or authoritarian states to steer attention to issues. Attention to citizen demands and multilateral cooperation contribute to stability.

Should Extremist Parties Be Banned?

Education is a must for democracy’s survival
Jan-Werner Mueller
November 8, 2013

India and China Seek Economic Integration

Investment in massive four-nation trade corridor could ease tensions
Neeta Lal
November 5, 2013

Saudi Arabia Rejects UN Security Council Seat

Move could point to need for UN reform
Nate Rawlings
October 21, 2013

Shutting Down US Antarctic Research Will Have Global Repercussions

Budget impasses reduces US profile and wastes funds
Jeffrey Marlow
October 16, 2013

US Debt Standoff Provokes Ire in China

As US debt seems less safe, China is determined to lessen reliance on the dollar
Simon Rabinovitch
October 14, 2013